Friday, August 3, 2012


So I didn't post Wednesday because I got sucked into the mother of all archive-binges.  The comic in question is called Doc Rat and is written by an Australian doctor who uses the pen-name Jenner.  It's a good read.  Memorable characters, interesting story-line, and a nice balance between silly and dramatic.  It's a long-runner, so it takes 10 hours to get from beginning to present day.

I checked my browsing history to confirm that figure. Ten. Hours.

As for today, well... I guess you could say I'm not feeling well emotionally.  Was in the middle of a crying-fit and realized that I'd just used the last kleenex in the whole apartment, so I had to pull it together and walk down to the store for more.  My short but increasingly frequent rounds of depression-ish-stuff is connected to a fear of the future.  There's this nagging "what if" in my head that the last 4 years of earning animation degrees could possibly turn out to be worthless, and the past 8 years of putting academics before social life might've been more damaging than helpful.  This is also why I dismiss the suggestion that I pursue a Masters degree (what possible use is a master's degree in animation given the monumental gap between what the schools can teach us and the computing power behind Pixar's Brave?)

I think the best thing to do at this point is sit down and draw a picture of how I feel, which brings me to my next "what if" which is actually positive.  I've been playing with the idea of getting a DeviantArt account.  If I keep making Photoshop artwork like Facing the Doppelganger and this blog's banner, I would certainly have stuff to put on there.  And who knows, it might be useful.

Earworm for the Day: Deathbed by Relient K  I debated about putting this one, but it's honestly what's stuck in my head right now... well, part of the melody at least.  I don't actually know all the words because I can't sand to listen to the whole thing.  It's just too sad.

Yeah, I'm going to go draw that picture now, then maybe listen to the Hampster Dance or something.  Anything to lighten the mood.

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