Friday, June 8, 2012

The Hunt is On!

Finals are over, summer is here, and I'm job-hunting.  Huzzah!

Don't have room for all 3 of the videos I need to share, but I'll give you the links (Vimeo is better through their site anyway).

In other news, I've returned to my personal modeling/rigging/fur simulation project: a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.

Preliminary upper wing coloring on butterfly.  Those little veins were tough!
I started this project back at Parkland.  The nice thing about arthropods is that they're naturally made out of stiff bits and pieces.  I wanted to make something that was easy to rig, and with an insect you don't have to worry so much about painting weights.

Of course, I do have to worry about painting color, but once the uv map is in place (as you can see, it already is) it's super easy to do a pallet-swap.


In retrospect, I should go back and make the eye spots bigger.  Maybe add some more embellishments on the edges?  And frankly, it's a butterfly.  Even when evil it still looks pretty-ish.  It can't help it.

Earworm of the Day: Afterlife by Switchfoot