Friday, August 31, 2012

Carbon Dating

My textbooks are bought, my student CTA pass has been collected, and all the animation labs are shut down for a re-boot of the system or some-such.  Oh, and I'm trying to get used to a new haircut.  And my childhood fascination with paleontology has resurfaced.

If ever there was a time for me to go totally off my rocker, this weekend would be it.

Today I found a free portfolio building site called Carbon Made which looks like a good place to (finally) construct a professional portfolio.  Linking to deviantART and Vimeo is fine and all, but it doesn't give off that extra flair of knowing what you're doing.

Last week I read a fascinating book about the Field Museum's most famous fossil.  Tyrannosaurus Sue by Steve Fiffer (what a great last name!)  It goes through the whole complicated backstory of Sue, legal battles and all.  (Someone actually did jail-time by the end of it all!)  It also covers some major points in the history of fossil collecting in America.  And all of it is written in perfectly understandable modern lingo, so go check it out if you can.  It's a good read.

But of course this has gotten me looking at more books about ancient critters, though I've decided to look at the Cenozoic this time, see what kind of crazy rhinos and four-legged whales people have dug up.  It should be interesting.

Earworm of the Day: Giggle at the Ghostly from MLP.  Yeah, another one.  I've had this stuck in my head all day.

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