Friday, October 7, 2011

Alien Slang and Cartoon Eyes

So I was inventing some slang for my alien characters today, specifically the ones that have some involvement with their planet's military.  This was way more fun than it should've been.  For example, book rookie:  a person who claims they know how to do something solely on the grounds that they read it in the manuel.  Or drilled: to have removed through a process, such as one runs practice drills to replace blind instinct with useful training.

Then it occurred to me that "drill" in the military sense might itself have originated from slang or metaphor, though I'm only speculating.  A quick google search provided an explanation of why the Marines do drills (the marching kind) and a couple of ads for power tools.  Clearly I need more research.

My Design Interfaces class has started using a new mockup tool called HotGloo.  It's a new experience having a tool that can design and test out website functions without being tied to any particular computer, or wait for a hundred libraries to load like an Adobe product.  Not that I have issue with Adobe.  It's how I make things like this: 
I'm currently working on the rest of the picture.  Points for guessing who's eye it is (hint: he has been pictured on this blog before).  It occurred to me that I could do a short tutorial on cartoon eyes, but I don't have a screen-cap program to make a video with.  Any ideas for a solution?

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