Monday, September 26, 2011

Error Some Place

One day I decided to re-create one of my favorite art projects in Maya.  The image is of a radio-active dinosaur:   

The original is color-aid paper on matte-board.  The assignment was vibrating color (yes, it's fully intended to seer your retinas, and the digital scan doesn't do it justice.)

So I went into Maya, modeled a 3D version (only took two tries!  I'm improving!), created and exported the UV map and did some preliminary coloring and lighting just to start getting the feel of how to re-compose the picture for 3D space.

I hit the render button...

...and I hit a brick wall titled "//Error: setParent: object 'renderView' not found."

Apparently it's a bug in the latest Maya.  A horribly frustrating bug.  Luckily a short google search yielded great results.  Found the fix here.

Hooray for the internet.

Earworm of the day:  Animaniac's Ballad of Magellan  Staying historically (semi)accurate through off-screen violence!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that was a weird one. Most frustrating thing in it that if there would be no such solution - users would be unable to solve it easily, they'll had to delete their user prefrences from My Documents folder. I believe that many users would go far enough to even re-install Maya itself and even Windows with it.
