Monday, January 4, 2010

Post-it's, Dragons, and Tropes

Beth: What's with all the Post-it notes?
B.E.: It's for an experiment. I'm seeing how many ways you can disrupt class.
Beth: Post-it's?
B.E.: You'd be surprised.

Today I finally checked out the second book of the Temeraire series. It's a series that I've recently gotten hooked on (because anything with talking dragons catches my interest frankly). It's an alternate history of the Napoleonic wars where the "what if dragons were real" question is answered with "The air force would've been invented sooner, and it wouldn't have involved airplanes." It's a good read, and I'd recommend it for anyone who likes fantasy or can easily imagine a British accent on all the dialogue. Written by Naomi Novik if your interested. First book's called His Majesty's Dragon.

Another bit of reading that I've found wildly entertaining is the website TVTropes. A trope is something in fiction writing that generally goes unquestioned by an audience, whether or not it applies to the real world. The website utilizes it's own terms such as...
  • Fridge Logic: Errors and fallacies that a viewer may never recognize, except for maybe after the show while they're en-route to grab a cold soda.
  • Jumping the Shark: The point at which a good movie suddenly turns into a lousy one.
  • Chekhov's Gun: If a weapon is briefly mentioned in the beginning of the book, odds are it will be used later by the hero in the final showdown.
Check this website out if you're into fiction writing (not just books, but movies and games too) or if you just want a really good laugh. Warning though, if you read too many of these, you'll be recognizing them in every movie/show/book/videogame that you see.

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