Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So Long, Farewell.

Web-presence will continue on these sites:
 Yes, it's true.  In an interest to simplify my life, I will no longer update this blog.  This decision was not made in haste and is based on a few good reasons:
  1. Including this blog and not including my facebook (because it's way too easy to put info on facebook), I have to manage my information on 6 separate web-sites (this blog, the above links, and a school job board).  A professor recommended I add one more.  That's a lot of internet time.  This concerns me.
  2. This blog is read by very few people.  Most of the blogs I've seen on blogger are updated even less than mine.  There's not much potential for networking here.
  3. deviantArt has a journal wigit.  It has the Earworm posting feature built-in.  I'm already on dA on a daily basis, so it makes sense to condense.
  4. The thoughts in my head are not nearly as useful as the work of my hands.  Much as I would love it to be true, my rants about stuff are doing nothing to change the world.  Making someone laugh by showing them a kangaroo chasing clam-frogs around a kitchen at least improves that person's day a bit.
  5. Speaking of videos, I'm tired of messing with embedding code to share videos I've made.  Linking to my Vimeo account is just simpler.
  6. I've graduated from college with my B.A., 2013 is less than a week away, and as said before I'm job-hunting.  It's a good time for change.
With that, I say goodbye to Blogger and all the people who've been reading this public diary of mine.  Though I must leave you with one last Earworm of the Day:  So Long, Farewell from The Sound of Music

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