Today is my last day of college. All I have to do is show up for the figure-drawing critique and turn in my class portfolio. Then try to maintain attention long enough while forced to analyze each student's artwork for ten minutes while having to stand up... yes standing is the hard part. I can't take standing for long periods of time, it gets me all stressed out and cranky. (Walking for long periods of time has the opposite effect strangely enough.)
My Hand-drawn Animation final was yesterday. Here's how it went:
Kitchen Chaos: Pencil test stage from Elizabeth Young on Vimeo.
On a related but totally different note, movie trailers that have succeeded in making me want to see the movie: Warm Bodies, and The Host.
A word on The Host, it is a book written by Stephanie Meyer. I've read it, and I thought it was better than the Twilight series (for one thing, there is only one book of The Host). Was it the writing caliber of Timothy Zahn, Anthony Horowitz, or Naomi Novik? No. Of course not. This is Stephanie Meyer we're talking about. Was The Host at least more palatable than Twilight? Yes. Yes it was, and for no other reason that the narrator is a space alien. The narrator is still a Mary Sue who can do no wrong and has no depth (read: expert/victim/flaw model, implied back story, 3-dimentionality). When she does mention a past life, it seems to come out of left field (this character can fight? What? This was not foreshadowed or referenced in the preceding pages! I call shenanigans!). But, any Mary-Sue-ishness can easily be written off because Wanderer is a space alien. She doesn't feel human, but then again she's not human. Disbelief remains suspended. The story was at least decent. I'd be willing to pay money to see how the film makers handle it (because frankly they can only improve upon it.)
Earworm of the Day: The BG music to the video Our Story in 1 Minute. I put the video link first because you must see the epicness that is the video, but the song itself is Our Story by melodysheep. I am seriously considering downloading this, it would be worth every penny.
P.S. Because I promised to post when I was done...
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Cll'li jogging along... and she doesn't look happy. Safe to say someone's in big trouble. |
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