Friday, February 5, 2010

Twiggy and the Jackalope

I've been kicking around the idea of putting my long dormant 50Webs account to good use and creating a web comic. Granted, I'd probably need some help and a new graphics tablet. Mine broke recently. Sigh. You can't really do drawing with a mouse. It just doesn't work that way.

So the comic in question would be Twiggy and the Jackalope, a silly adventure story about a Christmas reindeer-in-training (Twiggy) and a tribe of mythical antlered jackrabbits (jackalope) who need some assistance reclaiming their homeland (an inter-dimensional patch of land that fills in the Grand Canyon). The adventure rambles along on a few twists and turns and includes evil Christmas elves, a guy in a hot-air balloon, skeptical white-tailed deer, a female bigfoot, and a tasmanian tiger.

Oh, and did I mention the army of blood thirsty chupacabres?

I need to play with the style a little and see what works. I might do a little mixed-media to save drawing time. I'll have to see how it goes.

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