Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stress Mode

It's funny, when I told others I was taking summer courses, their responses were usually, "Good luck. You'll need it." I kind of ignored them because I figured that summer courses couldn't be any worse than classes during any other time of the year. But that was because I have no sense of time. Now I'm in student stress mode, always having three things due within 24 hours it seems. Graphic design defiantly has me worried. I mean, at least for English class I know how to write a report. I hate writing research papers, but I can handle it. Design class however... like the dragon in the picture, I'm a little overwhelmed.


  1. Your dragon is an exceptional doodle. Try not to feel so overwhelmed. I get the same way and I have to remember to breathe. Relax, you're doing fine. Great sketch!!!!!

  2. I definitely agree with how you're feeling on the whole summer class situation. Along with graphic design, I'm also taking the Digital Photography night class and working everyday, so I barely have any time to get all this work done, or even have much of a life. As stressful as it is, taking these two classes and working shows me how hard-working and committed I actually can be. It feels good. But still extremely stressful.
