Sunday, September 13, 2009

(insert gourd joke)

School is a lot like working at County Market. You have your rush hours, those days when 24 hours just doesn't seem like enough for a day. Times when you're rushing here there and everywhere and social life and fun stuff gets pushed off to the side. Work (or homework) demands your full and undivided attention.

And then there's times, like right now for instance, when there's absolutely nothing to do but pull those last three carts from the parking lot. You can kick back and chit-chat or whatever. At times you are so bored out of your....well.... gourd.... that you just can't wait to hit the next rush hour.

I'm at that point. I'm up to date on all my homework, including my first Animation II project (shown above). I've been in a lull for long enough that I'm actually excited for the critique on Monday. Excited for a critique? What is wrong with me!? I'll tell you what's wrong: Animation (and possibly County Market) has made my brain look like an acorn squash; nut-shaped with a soft interior. But if this is what it's like to go crazy, I'll take it.

Now if only I can think of another gourd joke.........

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